Friday, March 12, 2010

3/12 Tip of the Day

So, one day Dryer Balls caught my eye. Now that I have a little one with sensitive skin, I've been looking at ways to cut back on unnecessary chemicals or products around her. I've been using the "Free" everything for laundry, and I've been looking into Soap Nuts for the wash. But being that we have 3 dogs, I can't afford to NOT use something to get rid static and dog hair. So, I bought the Dryer Balls.

Now, Dryer Balls are supposed to make your clothes less staticy, more fluffy, and cut back on the drying time. 1.5 out of 3 isn't bad...I guess. The static was still there....but, the clothes did dry a bit faster (the jean load didn't really seem to dry any faster), and did seem to be more fluffy.

So, my tip is to put balls in the dryer. I wouldn't suggest buying Dryer Balls, but, I would suggest throwing some new, clean tennis balls in there. Or little kids balls. I noticed that as soon as I did that, and the clothes were getting beat up, that most loads took less time to dry and that more dog hair came off the clothes. BONUS!

Any other dog hair remover/static remover tricks you have up your sleeves?

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