Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Disney Movie Rewards

If you are a Mommy, chances are, you own Disney movies. If you are a human, chances are you own Disney movies too. So why not become a member of the Disney Movie Rewards program?

When you purchase a new DVD, CD, or even go see a Disney movie in the theaters, there is a code inside the case, or that they give to you at the theater. You sign-into your account online, enter the code, and WAH-LAH, you've just earned some Disney Movie Rewards. Plus, when you become a member, DMR will send you e-mails that will haves codes in them as well, as well as special offers throughout the year.

There are LOTS of cool prizes that DMR has for you in exchange for your reward points. They range from Enchanted Calls from Disney characters, to magnets, to stickers, to Snapfish photos, to a special behind-the-scenes tour of Walt Disney Studios. The rewards are always changing, and the amount of points needed varies. I'm currently saving up for a framed share of Disney stock to give to my daughter!

Plus, become their friend on Facebook and get access to more special offers! Right now they have a special offer code to enter to recieve a free Enchanted Call from Princess Tiana!

Be sure to enter your birthday when signing up. On your birthday, you will get an offer from Disney where you can buy a Blu-Ray movie for just $2.95, plus you get 25 bonus Disney Movie Reward points!

If you're interested in joining, please e-mail me at: yoopermommy(at)gmail(dot)com . Right now DMR has a special offer going on for members to refer their friends and get double the points! So help me out if you want to join!! Plus, by joining, then completing a survey, you get started with 100 points!

And then, when you do join, go here to see a list of points to enter to start earning towards your dream reward!

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